Everybody is enjoying Spring? Fuzz Neko couldn’t wait to get some fresh air up in the mountains! So, he ended up going to Yosemite for his Spring break.

Going out is especially nice when you bring your homemade sandwich and freshly brewed coffee with you. It’s fun to eat and drink them in the warm sun!

It was such a nice day for walking around in the Yosemite Valley. Plenty of water flowing everywhere and yet, much less crowded than during Summer Vacation time. Also, the top of the mountains still have white snow and there is snow on the ground at some places in the park too. Cool!

In the morning it was chilly and a bit cold, but in the afternoon the Sun made us warm and we even got a bit sweaty while we were walking. Oh, but there was one other thing, Fuzz Neko didn’t expect that he would be attacked by hay fever! Fuzz Neko had no idea what really caused it, but on the way home he kept sneezing a lot….so, be careful people! Always bring your allergy pills with you just in case.

Did anybody see the movie “Free Solo” yet? Fuzz Neko was so shocked and amazed. Alex Honnold is Fuzz Neko’s big time hero now! ( who cares about Spiderman ?!🕷)
Fuzz Neko couldn’t resist taking pictures at the almighty El Capitan. It’s Huge! Nature is so unbelievably beautiful. Alex Honnold also showed us how you can embrace the beauty of nature and appreciate our lives.
Oh, but hey……to tell you the truth, in Fuzz Neko’s head, this song is still playing over and over again…
I can’t go away with you on a rock climbing weekend
What if something’s on tv and it’s never shown again
Its just as well I’m not invited I’m afraid of heights
I lied about being the outdoor type’s
Songwriters: Tom Morgan
Fuzz Neko loves this song❤️ Originally written by the Australian band “Smudge” and covered by the American band “Lemonheads“. You know, not everybody can be like Alex….but, it’s okay!

If you’d like to taste the special Fuzz Neko coffee and sandwich, it is available at the Fuzz On Me Etsy store right now!
Miniature felt food, needle felted sandwich + coffee cup, dollhouse, tiny felt toy 1″ micro felt art